English Business 2 Task 3

[Sumber Gambar : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Writing]

Introduction a Dynamic Web Content

Efficiency is highly desirable by many people, especially for people who like to keep many the identity cards were very numerous and troublesome. Especially when we will used that's card, it would take time to find the card, especially when going on a raid traffic. Definitely that will waste time and can induce traffic jam when we find it, morever when the officials will adjust the data. This System has should be re-corrected. For that, writer wishes to make some device SUITABILITY IDENTIFIER OF VEHICLE WITH E-STNK AND E-KTP IN ONE CARD (MULTI CARD IDENTIFICATION) BASED ON RFID "which later we only bring one card whose contents all identities such as e-KTP, e-STNK, E-SIM and anymore. The example of MCI is matched identifying vehicles with E-STNK at MCI. Eventually some portal which has been embeded RFID Reader to be build in the road, then RFID Reader will detect the data in vehicles and E-STNK which has been embeded RFID chip. This tool works with detecting RFID tags on the vehicle and E-STNK using electromagnetic waves to transmit data from the RFID tags to the computer. Then the data is processed in accordance with the data contained with Script HTML / PHP and processed by XAMPP localhost raised to the page on a web page browser. If the data is equally suitable, it will get out the words 'cocok', and if they do not match then it will get out the words 'tidak cocok' and the alarm sounds. This tool can also see the E-KTP, E-STNK user, if this card has been registered.